Below you will find a casting call and information on every role in the story.
Firmament Films Productions (The Seven Year Wish, Filling In) has optioned the stage musical T.C. De Witt's the Princess Knight for a feature length film and is need of voice actors. This NEW version of the fairy tale will no longer be presented as a staged live performance, instead, the once upon a time adventure has been re-imagined as a PUPPET FEATURE.
You can see the Kickstarter Campaign for this project at There, you can see one of the test scenes with three of the characters as well as an explanation about the project as a whole.
The Firmament Films Casting Director is now accepting submissions for all principle roles. If you are interested in being considered for a role in this film, please record audio of yourself performing a short comedic monologue. This monologue can come from the show itself or from another film or play. Choose something that shows off your best character voice and personality. Perform using the VOICE of the character you would like to be considered for. There is need of voices of all kinds - An Evil Mad Sorcerer, a simple minded Troll, a gruff and lonely Wolf, a spunky hand maiden, a storytelling young bard, a Prince Charming, and more!
All submissions should be sent to the Firmament Films Casting Director at All recordings should begin with your name (first and last) followed by the character you are performing as, and where your monologue has come from.
(e.g.) Hello, my name is FIRST, LAST, and I am reading for the part of CHARACTER. I will be performing a monologue from SOURCE.
Recording will take place in the Madison and Milwaukee area.
Deadline for submissions is March 21st, 2013. Information on ALL THE CHARACTERS can be found at
Princess Scarlet - A young dreamer determined to find her Happily Ever After. She is a classic Disney Princess-type, much like Ariel, Sleeping Beauty, and Rapunzel. HERE is more info.
Chester - An adventurous, young bard, of sorts. Chester roams the woods sharing the tales he has collected from all over the lands. He is kind, imaginative, and the second born son in his rather impressive family. More info HERE about Chester.
Baron Von Briar Thorn - The evil madman who does everything a bad guy is supposed to do... although, he has recently hired himself an anger management therapist to work out some of his evil issues. More on Baron HERE.
The Therapist - This GERMAN accented and poor anger management therapist to the Baron, this poor doctor is trying his darndest to help figure out what make the Baron so darn evil. HERE is more on the Therapist.
Vesper - The royal witch to the Baron Von Briar Thorn. She lives to serve her master, encouraging him to remain as gloriously evil as ever! More on this wicked lady HERE.
The Wolf - Spy for the Baron, the Wolf was once a man who has had his memory taken from him. He hopes to one day be free of the Baron and search the land for something more. THIS ROLE CAN BE PLAYED BY A MALE OR A FEMALE. More info HERE about this lonely guy.
The Troll - The hapless Troll guards the bridge into the evil Baron's lands, but really, he just wants to go to knight school. He's a bit slow and dumb, but a nice guy at heart. THIS ROLE CAN BE PLAYED BY A MALE OR A FEMALE. Find more info HERE.
The Not-So-Giant-Giant - Guardian of the woods of the Baron, the Giant... is not so giant. Cursed to believe she has the height of a monster, this tiny little one stomps and shouts as though a hundred feet tall, but in reality, she is the tiniest little thing in the cast. The Giant is like a little kid, easily distracted and silly. THIS ROLE CAN BE PLAYED BY A MALE OR FEMALE. Stomp over HERE for more on the Giant.
Prince Sandstone - The typical Prince Charming, Sandstone fancies himself the hero of this tale, but he is only out for adventure and glory. He is not a bad guy - not a villain - but he sure is a bit full of himself. HERE is all you need to know about Sandstone.
King/Queen Rose Petal and Emperor/ress Prickle - The rulers of the two lands of our tale and parents to our heroes and lovers. Rose Petal is joyous and cheerful, constantly expecting the best for her dear daughter Scarlet. Prickle, slightly more uptight, is serious and a touch snobbish, demanding the best for his sons. BOTH OF THESE ROLES CAN BE PLAYED AS MALE OR FEMALE Learn more about these rulers HERE.
The Butcher, the Baker, the Candlestick Maker, and the Drunk/Fool - These supporting characters take up the challenge of rescuing the Princess Scarlet. The three tradesmen are bumbling and clumsy. The Baker leads the bunch, though not the sharpest, the Candlestick Maker shows a good amount of yellow, while terribly infatuated with the beautiful Princess, and the Butcher puffs his chest to show how brave and strong he is, though is usually the first to run for cover. And the Drunk?... He hardly knows he's along for the adventure, content to sip from his goblet and tag along. ALL THESE ROLES CAN BE PLAYED MALE OR FEMALE. More info on these three and a half stooges HERE.
Lily - The handmaiden to the Princess Scarlet, Lily has the ability to talk to the audience. She has A LOT to say, babbling on and on about the details at length. She is central to the narration, and guides the audience through the adventure. Lily has the most to say in the tale and is always ready to sing... though she never gets her chance. Lily has many, many opportunities for improvisation, and someone with the right amount of experience should be responsible for taking her on. She is sweet and caring and runs around in a panic, and is ready to assist her Princess without question. HERE is info on this wonderful character.
Thank you, and good luck.

Welcome to the Princess Knight. Here you can follow the production as it travels from imagination to the stage this Summer. I've already come so far, but now I have all of you joining me! This site will be used to share pieces of script, photos, clips, interviews, designs, and more! Hopefully, as we move closer and closer to the premiere, we'll have a great archive of what this show has become! So, let's get started!
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Tuesday, January 1, 2013
The Princess Knight Unleashed!
The Princess Knight DVD now available! Contact T.C. to buy yours today!
Click the BUY NOW button below!
Then, SUPER IMPORTANT HERE - email your name and address to to make sure I know where to send your copy.
Each cost $20. This covers the cost of mailing too.
Wednesday, October 31, 2012
The Princess Knight DDHS
This past weekend, I, along with many of the original cast and crew, got to attend the Delavan Darien High School's performances of the Princess Knight. It was such a wonderful experience returning to the world of the show and seeing it through a whole new set of young actors and actresses. There were many surprises in the newest interpretation that had me smiling so hard my face hurt and laughing to tears a few times! It was a proud moment watching the original cast speak to their counterparts. Seeing the size difference between Sandstones Max and Anthony , the similarities between our Chesters John and Gordon, our princesses, who are already fast friends, Kim and Ashley, our nerdy and uptight Doc Libby meeting the relaxed and groovy Therapist Ryan, Not-so-giant Giants Missa and Bebheann exchanging BOOMS! , the Emperors Tom and Alex telling each other what was more wonderful! And to bring back together many of the first family to meet our newest generation. Kaitlin, our costume designer, asked me if I felt like a proud grandparent, and I suppose I do. I got to sit back and enjoy the show without having to discipline you all this time! :D
Ashley Brouwer as Princess Scarlet was so top-notch, I do not doubt that she has a very bright future on the stage. Of course, I don't want to go on and on about the natural potential she clearly has and how impressed I was, because we gotta keep her humble so she maintains that natural poise. So, shhhhh - It'll be our secret for now. Then we can all say "We knew her when". >wink<
Ryan Ettner's Therapist as an entirely new interpretation as a peace loving hippie was fantastic. I'm certain myself and the original cast were laughing twice as hard as anyone because of how different it was from Libby's Doc. Ryan made it his own in so many ways. I'm glad I saw the show all three nights, because I was caught so off guard by the new version of The Therapist, I was laughing too hard to hear some of the lines.
Anthony Welch's Prince Sandstone may have been half the size of Max, but he owned the role. I particularly enjoyed him getting ALL the girls in the end. Oh, and that mustache was so manly it made him sing down an octave on Saturday!
Candace would be insanely proud of the wicked way Toni Seitz carried on the tradition of Vesper. Toni had a high bar to reach, and she did not disappoint. Vesper was a wonderfully loathsome as the original, and Toni took plenty of chances to revel in the evil! I must say that "Love/Hate" was my favorite song each night. Toni and Ryan just nailed it (with the help of Matt and Gordon pantomiming stage center).
And Ermegehrd! Speaking of Gordon. What a great introducing to the world of theater. To imagine that this was Gordon's first show! He was definitely the right guy for the role. Chester is meant for that actor who never gets to be the male lead. Chester is meant for those guys who always get supporting roles as sidekicks. From what I have heard, Gordon has come out of his shell and is now at home in the theater world.
And not to draw out the antici.....SAY IT!pation, but I did so love the Baron Von Briar Thorn as performed by Matt Iserloth. Another actor who definitely has a future on the stage. Standing up on the chair to yell, the goggles falling on his face, embracing the rock star moments of "A Whole New Baron" - Woo! Matt played the part like a pro, and it was clear how much fun he was having playing it. He even found moments that Nat didn't in the original, and that makes me proud.
Sarah Keiffer succeeded in the daunting task of learning the lion's share of dialogue Lily needs to know. Not an easy task. Musicals don't tend to have that many monologues, and Lily has several. Think of it like this, Sarah, you got to do the equivalent of a play and a musical at the same time; it's double the show for a senior about to head out into the college world. I'm thrilled that as Lily, Sarah was able to blow the doors off the place when she finally got her chance to sing! I was told that the last note of her solo was the first note of the very first song she sang as a senior.
Our new royalty, Emily Santeler and Alex Koch, wore their crowns well. I wish Rachel had been able to see Emily's Rose Petal, which was pleasantly similar in wonderful ways. And Alex as Prickle was pleasantly different than Tom. Alex's excitement was overflowing, and it was a treat to be sitting in front of Tom and hearing him enjoy at the performance.
The Wolf, Giant, and Troll as performed by Aaron, Bebheann, and Jacob made for quite the trio. I'm pleased to see that the bone and Viking hat remained. It wouldn't feel like the Giant without those being wielded about! Continuing tradition as well, Aaron's incredible voice brought tears to my eyes with "The Wolf's Lament". Megan did it to me every time, and Aaron did too. And major congrats to Jacob as the Troll. He only had about a week to truly learn the part, and he was perfect.
Liam sword fighting, Adam wielding that butcher's blade, Anya's "Cwick and Novak-like" excitement in every scene, Taylor's ditsy Baker, Mickey losing all his heart containers, Zach's "Oh no he didn't!" Was it Nicole or Caitlin who fell to her knees when Sandstone announces his marriage? (Forgive me, I only just met all of you.) Morgan as the Blue Fairy, Mary's speed with that sword! And to all the parents and families I got to meet this weekend as well. It means so much to me to see your support for the kids and their creativity. That love for the arts will keep the Arts alive.
It was so amazing to experience it all again. Thank you, everyone, for your hard work and most of all, for having so much fun doing it. Thank you to Larry for not charging ME by the note this time, Bette and Marisa for still dealing with those costumes. And to Janet Palmer for keeping the Princess Knight alive and thriving. Now, all of you take all those pictures and videos you have from the run and start posting them to the group page!
T.C. De Witt
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Production Blog Post #40 - Behold!
The release announcement for the Original Cast Recording!
Follow THIS LINK to visit and purchase today!
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
#39 - Production Photos
Please visit the Princess Knight facebook page for a look at many, many photos of the many, many more to come! Costumes! Scenes! and More! Click HERE to head there now...
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
#38 - The Future
And they all lived happily ever...
Wait a minute!
We've reached the end of our adventure, but the story is not complete. We have so much to look forward to in the coming months. The original cast recording is nearly complete. From what I've heard from Jamison, it sounds wonderful! The iTunes account will be online and ready for visitors in the next weeks. I will be sharing some exclusive tracks that will not be featured on the album. These tracks will lead up to the release of the Original Soundtrack. The DVD is being worked on as well, and it looks spectacular. If things continue as planned, the two will be released simultaneously. The cast will receive the CD, and those who've already ordered the DVD will get that as well. Orders for both will be available soon. Also, I have literally thousands of photos to sift through. I'm excited to show you all the wonderful moments that were captured by so many cameras over the month of production. So many happy memories.
Now that we are settled back in California, I will have plenty of time to share all of these things with you. We continue on!
And the Princess Knight is going on as well. Janet Palmer has decided to produce the show with her school in the coming year. I would love it if as many of the original cast could reunite and go support these kids on Opening Night. It will be so fun to see what they do with the characters and story we all created - to see what they do the same and what they do differently. I look forward to the reunion!
Though I've tried, I can never thank you all enough for what we've accomplished. It was truly a dream come true. Honestly and truly. I miss you all already, but we will all share the memories. "All good things..." and all that.
So, onward! Hand-in-hand, let's keep dreaming. The story never end... As in life, there is always more to tell. There is always...
to be continued...
Wait a minute!
We've reached the end of our adventure, but the story is not complete. We have so much to look forward to in the coming months. The original cast recording is nearly complete. From what I've heard from Jamison, it sounds wonderful! The iTunes account will be online and ready for visitors in the next weeks. I will be sharing some exclusive tracks that will not be featured on the album. These tracks will lead up to the release of the Original Soundtrack. The DVD is being worked on as well, and it looks spectacular. If things continue as planned, the two will be released simultaneously. The cast will receive the CD, and those who've already ordered the DVD will get that as well. Orders for both will be available soon. Also, I have literally thousands of photos to sift through. I'm excited to show you all the wonderful moments that were captured by so many cameras over the month of production. So many happy memories.
Now that we are settled back in California, I will have plenty of time to share all of these things with you. We continue on!
And the Princess Knight is going on as well. Janet Palmer has decided to produce the show with her school in the coming year. I would love it if as many of the original cast could reunite and go support these kids on Opening Night. It will be so fun to see what they do with the characters and story we all created - to see what they do the same and what they do differently. I look forward to the reunion!
Though I've tried, I can never thank you all enough for what we've accomplished. It was truly a dream come true. Honestly and truly. I miss you all already, but we will all share the memories. "All good things..." and all that.
So, onward! Hand-in-hand, let's keep dreaming. The story never end... As in life, there is always more to tell. There is always...
to be continued...
Thursday, July 26, 2012
#36 - Brush-up Speed Through
Ffrom last night's brush-up rehearsal where we ran the show in an hour and twenty minutes. PHEW!
Thursday, July 12, 2012
We've done it! Opening Night has happened! Congratulations to everyone in the cast and crew for helping create this adventure. I am so, so, SO proud of all of you.
Follow THIS link to view the Opening Night Production Video!
Saturday, July 7, 2012
#34 - Clean-up Day
Well, after a ten hour day, the theater is clean, the set and stage painted and spiked, the tent is up, and everything ready for the monster day of Double Run Sunday - Bump-bump-BUMMM!
A great turn out today. Thank you for every hand that helped. The clean-up day is notorious for creative excuses, but I'm proud to say that nearly every cast member appeared today.
Tomorrow is the longest of days, but with the potluck in the middle, things should stay relatively upbeat. We'll have a small audience tomorrow too with the return appearance of the guys from Firmament Films (the brilliant gents who helped film our commercial, watch it again HERE and spread the word!). My fellow filmmakers are going to begin capturing footage for our forthcoming DVD. It'll be a pleasure having them, if only to give you all a small audience of people who haven't heard the jokes and songs a thousand times.
Everyone is really bringing this production together and ready for the public. I appreciate all the hard work and minimal complaining about heat in those costumes. Let's have some fun tomorrow - FOCUS! ENERGY! PROJECT! and SMILE!
Monday, July 2, 2012
#33 - The Princess Knight Commercial
The Princess Knight is nearly here! And to help get the word out, I hooked up with my buddies at Firmament Films to create this fancy-dancey commercial. For those of you who need some convincing to come see the show, enjoy this one-minute spot and the spread the word! Tickets are on sale now at What are you waiting for? Watch this wonderful commercial and then go get your tickets before they sell out! Come see all the hard work these actors have out into this new show, and come on, how often do you get to see a WORLD PREMIERE?!
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